I <3 New Jersey
Check out New Jersey's finest here, up in the club.

Now I know what you're thinking, "They all have the same fucking haircut!" Well, that may be true, but that just means they're all that cool. Here's another picture in case you still don't believe.

Another great thing about New Jerseyans is that they love their movies. And I don't mean like, oh I went and saw some movies and they were cool. None of that weak L.A. shit that goes on out here. They LIVE that shit.
Check out these guys who liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so god damned much, that they actually LIVE that shit -

I don't care what you say, nobody on the west coast has the balls to go THAT far to prove their fandom, even if it is a movie intended for a younger audience.
You know, I can't really even do NJ justice, so I think you just need to take it from my buddy who lives there. Here's a video of him... consider it like "A Day in the Life Of" or something.
That's about it. I think by now you realize how every state in America pales in comparison to good ole' Jersey (Joizee). Viva la Brick City!
P.S. I'm pretty sure this guy lives in NJ too -

great blog topic. I really thoroughly enjoyed this one.
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