Curse you, Sir Blogger
You just wiped out my entire blog that i was in the process of dropping, with shout outs to all my coworker homies and their 5-14 nicknames along with.
Fuck ->

You stupid piece of blog shit I hope someone flips you the bird while youre driving in your fucking car and you turn to try to give them the bird back but you slip on a cowpie in the middle of route-fucking-66 and go flying through the windshield of your faggot blog-gremlin into a MAC truck doing 95 going the other way and bounce off of it into another car carrying sulfuric acid in it and you fucking roll around in that shit burning your nuts off but then that car flips over throwing your stupid ass over a cliff through a huge patch of cactus (one having more thorns than your average cactii) then into a pit full of sharp obsidian rock but not killing you so that you can crawl your ass out of there only to get dragged 4 miles across desert terrain by foxes who picked up your filthy dying blogger carcass scent and leave you out in the boonies with nothing to eat or drink except for Arby's but you cant even eat that cuz you lost your wallet in the cactus patch not that that matters cuz your stupid blogger fuckstick ass dies right there and you float like a fairy up to blogger-heaven thanking sweet mary magdalene that your ordeal is over only to be turned away at the gates and get sent plummeting down through cloud air grass soil and bedrock straight into blogger hell where you may forever and ever and ever burn and rot away in eternal blogger hellfire until the end of time you piece of shit
wait, i forgot why i was pissed at blogger now and im too far down to read the beginning of my post. oh well im sure i had a good reason.
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