cuz im a model.. you know what i mean.. and i do my little turn on the catwalk

At this young age I hadnt developed many looks yet. I was nowhere even near "La Tigre©", let alone close to developing "Magnum XL©". But I would soon learn...

I named this look "Blue Steel Jr.©" Its a softer look, mostly for catalog work, like this Josten's ad that would air later (and fail miserably, amidst a huge propoganda campaign by Caucasians Against Ethnic Male Models - CAEMM). They took back the CSF thing, the valedictorian braid, the tassle, cap, gown, and Jostens brand underwear. They made quite a scene.
This man- Juan Carlos Edguardo Salazar Estavez Cardinal III- became my modeling manager. He put together a photo portfolio for me, managed all my money and kept only 80% as a cut, and made me take very questionable nude photos. But he was a great manager for someone who couldnt speak english, and was very gentle. Here he is...

It became apparent that i would have to be a "face and body type" and not a hand model. I have a scar on my right knuckle from punching a kid with braces. A shame I know. Heres a low budget photo shoot pic from a small room in Tijuana. Tijuana studios dont have very good lighting, not even from lamps you have to hold for yourself.

(Right) Vegas- What happens in vegas, stays in vegas, shoot
Modelo Negro Shoot

Come Visit Saudi Arabia Campaign Shoot

Eventually my brother got into modeling as well. He had to workout to get to my level, of course. Heres some pics of him with still a long ways to go...

We even did a dual shoot for Just for Men's Wearhouse. We both used the original "Blue Steel©"...

Which brings us to today. Ill leave you with three shots from the Hermosa Derelict campaign, and the Nakstradamus Album Cover Art shoot.

Also lemme get a shout out to my Balls Models homies- Mugatuakahashi and Marloneekus.
Thanks to all my fans, and friends, and male-modeling family who supported me along the way. No thanks to investigatory journalists who dont care who they hurt, or how many people they leave dead and bloodied along the way, so long as they make a name for themselves as investigatory journalists.
didn't i warn you about juan carlos... if you wanted to become a model you should have come to me... I only take 75% of the cut and let you take nude photos with me [strictly artistic ones of course]
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