My New Tattoos!
Now I've always been a huge fan of tattoos. They look super hot on chicks, and super cool on guys - if done right. Of course no amount of detail, good coloring, or placement can save a tattoo done in poor taste. Fortunately the tattoos at hand got taste coming outta their ass like they were the dish that just won Iron Chef.
Again, I've always wanted tattoos... but I wanted to make sure they really meant something to me, and would always remain dear to my heart. I wanted something that touched upon my many cultures, my life experiences, who my family and friends are, and ultimately who I am - not to mention what I'm about. It's been a long time coming, as I've wanted them since middle school. I've spent decades pondering these issues and trying to find the perfect tattoo design(s). If you don't know what you want, you're not ready to get a tattoo!
That's why I'm proud to announce that I finally popped my ink cherry and got some wicked sick tattoos. Note: My skin looks really white, pasty, and untanned in these photos - fear not, I don't have that Michael Jackson skin disease where you keep getting whiter. It's just the really strong lighting that make it appear that way. I mean there were so many paparazzi there with so many flash bulbs I felt like white fireworks were going off in the room.
And now, TADA! On to the pictures!

Ka-Blamo! What's the coolest thing on earth? ICE!! That's why they call me Mr. Cool Ice. It has to say Mr. Cool Ice, cuz if it just said Mr. Cool you'd be like ok but thats kind of boring. Also Snoopy did some shit like that and I gotta 110% original, bitch. And if it just said Mr. Ice, you'd be like what's that? Do you pave snowy driveways? Dip your balls in my beverage to make it cold and refreshing? "Mr. Cool AS Ice" would just be a little too long, and too grammatically correct... which is quite the opposite of cool.
Now, of course the skeleton and many skulls with sunglasses also scream COOL ICE! Of course they do silly goose, that's the point! Why are there cracks in the skeleton man's skull? I dunno, maybe hes so cool that he's starting crack, htf should I know, wanna fight about it? And then it says ICE everywhere in case you forgot JUST HOW COOL I am.
Not enough sunglassed skulls for your taste? Worry not, my sweet little enchiladas... I also had them tat another one on the tip of my johnson. It's pretty awesome, now it's like I have a 2" battering ram with a cool-guy skull at the end. For good measure, I tatted sunglasses over my balls as well.

Now you're probably like, "Holy Shit, I jizzed in my pants at the mere sight of your frontal ink and you got work done on the back too? Fuck, that looks so bad ass I just shat AND pissed myself at the same time in a whirlwind of envy!" You might also be like, "No, it can't be... coolness overload!" Yea that's right... those are sunglasses tatted on the back of my head. Cuz every cool guy worth his popularity in salt wears sunglasses in the back when he needs a quick boost in awesome-points... but only the baddest of the ass (yea I said baddest of the ass) can wear sunglasses MADE OF INK!
I feel kind of sorry for Kumar in the background getting some ink done. You can probably tell by the look on his face what he's thinking. He was saying, "FUCK ME! Why did I have to start getting inked AFTER I saw your design!?!?! I should have waited so I could have tattoos as bad ass as yours!" I don't blame him, but the porno / hentai version of the Vishnu he ended up getting on his back was all right too, I guess.
Anyways, I'm excited to have been able to share my awesome new tattoos with you all! I gotta go now though, Rite Aid wants to talk to me about my interest in some kind of possible advertising work in their frozen section, whatever that's about.
-Nak signing out, I mean... Mr. COOL ICE!!! Meltin' on outta here!!! Aaahahahahahahahahahaha. I'm so fuckin awesome it hurts.
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