Trying to Survive to See 2008
Anyway, I'm taking 3 classes and trying to do my thesis during the few hours I'm not working full-time. Technically I'm full-time + thesis at school and full-time at work.
I have time to write this only because I'm boxing up my shit in my office to move into a dungeon. I feel bad because my officemate John Silny is probably going to get a grade-A d-bag for a new officemate, but not much I can do about that.
I just got off crutches for a stress fracture, and am getting no sleep until I'm done in mid-December with school. Then a few days after my last final I get to go in for shoulder surgery to repair my labrum / rotator cuff / capsule.
While this has been the worst 6-months of my life, I can only hope for the best once 2008 hits. Hopefully then I'll be able to rehab my shoulder without having a metric-shit-ton of schoolwork to worry about.
Peace out
-the nak