February - The Month of Champions
I'll have you know, that for added effect, I'm blogging in a cowboy hat, boots with spurs (that also have jingly bells tied to said spurs) and assless chaps....
No, that's it... were you waiting for more?
Anyhowitzer, I'm done with fucking school and on to school fucking. I dunno what that means, but ultimately it means that I have more free time and I'm ready to go be the only 80 yr old who looks like a 12 yr old, who's looking for 21 yr olds at all the bars, clubs, house-parties, and karaoke dive bars around. Mashugunah.
If you live in the south bay and aren't an old dirty man posing as a young 20's female woman, then let's go drink until we can't feel feelings anymore. I promise it won't get as crazy as my b-day party at Mr. Pockets.
P.S. - I hate your face, you grandma's boy.