"The Beautiful island of O'ahu". Thats where Ive been for the past 9-10 days, and hence the lack of recent posts. So here you go. Oahu. It truly is a paradise if youre into the whole great weather, great food, great people, great environment thing...
Ala Moana Bowls kicked my ass at 8-10 footers w/ occasional 12, all the while the North Shore (where i had watched the triple crown of surfing earlier in the day) was like 6-8 w/ 10s. Go figure. The reason i got so beat down was I was using an old thick ~7 ft "shortboard" that i borrowed that had never been used. It was too heavy to duck-dive, and when i tried to turtle it just caught most of the wave and slipped out of my hands. So paddling out was one hell of a workout... a scary one at that. Also scaring me, well more like startling me, was the huge sea turtle that popped out of the water to stare at me for a second while i was paddling in. Thing mustve been like 8 feet long, but it was a very beautiful creature.
Waikiki was cool too, very warm and sunny when we were on the beach there. It was esp. cool when the old dude who ran the surfboard shack let us "locals" (Me and Marlon) borrow some boards for free for a little bit after we offered to paddle the outrigger with him (his buddies disappeared so we didnt end up paddling it). I shouldve taken pictures of the sunburnt hau'oli tourists at Waikiki like in the opening of the cartoon Lilo & Stitch. Theres always next time I guess.
Kailua, on the North Eastern side of Oahu, was also very beautiful, though windier and cloudier at that time. Lanikai beach is there, which was voted the world's #1 beach by travel channel or something. I suggest you eat breakfast at Boot's & Kimo's if youre in that area, and try their invention - Pancakes w/ Macadamia Nut Sauce. Its the best breakfast ever... also I saw the main character doctor guy from Lost there. Good times.
I thoroughly enjoyed Oahu's beautiful rainforests, beaches, lookouts, historic/sacred grounds, and people. Ive been there a thousand times and every time its just as much fun as the last, if not more.
Click on the picture to see all 232 wonderfully wonderful pictures from the island of Oahu.
Shouts out to my new Cuz'ns: Maya Saffery and Kaleo Wong - 'Olua 'Ohana Holo'oko'a